Monday, October 26, 2009

Abby's Sick Day

We found out on Saturday that Abby has "pink eye." The doctor at the urgent care facility we visited in Fuquay said that after she has the prescribed antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours, she shouldn't be contagious. Since Saturday her eyes have gotten better but she is showing more cold symptoms including a low-grade fever. By Wake County's school policy this means she gets to stay home with her unemployed dad and her baby sister Carter. We haven't accomplished a whole lot today, but we have enjoyed spending the lazy time together. The picture to the right is of Abby and the 'comforter' a.k.a. Buster. He's a great companion for sick days.

If Abby had not been sick, her unemployed father could have spent the time job searching, networking, applying for jobs, or some other activity that would lead me to that all important next step in my career. This inconvenient detour of the aforementioned goal of securing another job was... welcome. I hope I cherish all the time we have spent together.


Greg said...

Welcome back to blog land. I asked Mike W. about you the other day. Hang in there!

Benton Oakes said...

Thanks for the note, Greg! I'm glad to be back and I thought about you this past weekend. Sorry to hear about your Terps on Saturday. I hope all is well with you. You have been an inspiration to me and many other folks so your words, "Hang in there!" mean a great deal to me. Thanks!